Dessert, Fall, Food

A Singular Brownie- and a Chocolate Giveaway!

There are some recipes that have a beautiful purity about them, free of too many ingredients, instructions, and time spent for a marginal rate of return on flavor.  A brownie is a simple sweet that really only requires two things: chocolate and butter.  Everything else is basic chemistry to hold the two ingredients together.  This recipe came from Roxanne Roberts, the Washington Post’s Reliable Source for many years, and a keen observer and writer of Washington ways.   Roxanne got the […]

Ask Lea, food

The Ultimate Baking Apple

What are the best apples for baking? The best apples for baking are those that don’t disintegrate during cooking, and that have a balance of sweetness and tartness.  My favorite eating apple is a McIntosh, with its white interior and shiny red-and-green peel, but it is not a good baking apple because it’s too soft.  Granny Smiths, Honeycrisps, and Crispins are all good baking apples, but there are lots of other good baking apples to choose from.   If you’re making […]

Ask Lea

Behind the Blog

Why do you write a blog? Several people asked why I write this blog.  I think people need to be reminded to be kind to each other. That sounds pretty preachy, but if you put it in the context of manners or etiquette, the specific rules seem to be more acceptable to some people than the reasons behind them. I’ll take the kinder, gentler any way I can get it. Secondly, we are learning so much now about how what […]