
Cheese Soufflé

The souffle can be made up to 3 hours in advance, and stored in the refrigerator.  Remove from refrigerator 20 minutes before baking. Serves: 6 Prep time: one hour


Vanilla Macarons

Adapted from Chef Christophe Tanneau-Kervran Makes 4 dozen cookies Prep Time:  Two hours (one hour and twenty minutes for baking one sheet of macarons at a time) Filling:


Strawberry Kuchen

Prep time: thirty minutes plus one hour for yeast to rise One kuchen serves 6 This recipe makes two nine-inch kuchens (Please note I used 2/3 of the dough to make one really big kuchen for the photo, just because I wanted to use the scalloped pie plate, and the other 1/4 of the dough to make a mini-me kuchen.  Don’t want to create a false impression about the size of kuchen you’re going to get!)