Fruit Pie

Thank You

America’s Table has been an expression of my joy in working with food, flowers, and entertaining for the last five years. I’ve loved every minute of it (well, maybe not that time the top came off the blender when I was thinning caramel sauce and blew caramel over everything in a six-foot radius, floor to ceiling). As memorable as it’s been, the time has come for me to turn to other things. It’s been truly uplifting to get to know so many wonderful people through America’s Table. My followers are the salt of the earth. I send you love and sincere wishes for a happy life.

Lea Berman

Moving Right Along….

Welcome back! I’ve been on hiatus, but I’m recharged and full of things to talk about. America’s Table is widening its reach. There’s a lot going on in the world and I can’t help but notice there might be more important things in life than the ultimate brownie recipe (though a great brownie does deserve to be appreciated.)

Americas Table

America’s Table on Hiatus

I started this blog almost five years ago, with a recipe for my great-grandmother’s fried chicken. It was in a letter she wrote me when I was a teenager, in the spindly handwriting of a very old lady. America’s Table has been an absorbing part of my life, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know so many different people through our mutual interest in food, flowers, and treating people well. Now it’s time for me to take a break from the […]

LA Loves Alexs Lemonade

Stay Conscious: L.A. Loves Alex’s Lemonade

Good eats for a good cause. Talented LA chefs and local food enthusiasts gathered around yesterday to support an incredible charity, L.A. Loves Alex’s Lemonade. In 2000, Alex a four year old girl battling cancer set-up a lemonade stand in her front yard to raise money for doctors and help them find a cure. After she passed away at 8 years old, her parents started the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation dedicated to building awareness and funding the cure to beat […]