Serves: 6 Prep time: 15 minutes to assemble, 40 minutes to bake (You can substitute any dried fruit for the apricots.)
Former White House Social Secretary and co-author of Treating People Well with Jeremy Bernard.
Serves: 6 Prep time: 15 minutes to assemble, 40 minutes to bake (You can substitute any dried fruit for the apricots.)
The first day of school was a big day in our house. For days before, we talked about what the girls would wear, what their teachers would be like, who might be in their class, and a million other vital details. I always wanted to make a really good breakfast on the first day of school. I thought we should begin as I hoped we’d go on. Of course the big school breakfast didn’t happen every day, but this recipe […]
Some people love to hear about the tiniest details of formal entertaining, and I’m happy to oblige. At a seated dinner at the White House a guest may encounter social traditions that may be unfamiliar to them: 1.) Escort Cards and Placement: A little envelope with the guest’s name will be presented to each person as they arrive. Inside they will find their table assignment. At this point, guests usually begin comparing notes on where they are seated, wondering if Table […]
Serves 6 Prep time: 30 minutes, 90 minutes total time (vegetables can be made several days in advance; after marinating, skewers can be assembled in just a few minutes)