This beautiful recipe, adapted from the Malibu Farm cookbook, is a perfect brunch buffet dish. The green tomatoes provide an acidic counterpoint to the potatoes, and it’ll feel familiar to you, because tomatoes and cheese are gustatorial soulmates. It’s colorful and hearty and bursting with the flavors of late summer.
Depending upon where you live, there are still green tomatoes to be had at farmers’ markets. It’s an under-appreciated fruit (oddly, tomatoes are fruits) that can add a pungent bit of late-summer flavor to anything. Little pieces of green tomato folded into an omelette, cold tomato and potato gratin for breakfast, and of course the mouthwatering fried green tomatoes so loved in the south are all part of the green tomato repertoire. If you haven’t had them, now’s the time to experiment and enjoy.
Green Tomato Gratin
Adapted from Malibu Farm cookbook
Prep time: 1 hour
Serves: 4
- ½ cup heavy cream
- 1 clove garlic, grated
- 1 tablespoon chopped rosemary
- 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
- 2 large baking potatoes, sliced thinly
- 2 large green tomatoes, sliced thinly
- ¼ teaspoon salt
- Mix together heavy cream, garlic, rosemary and cheese in a bowl.
- Toss the potatoes in the mixture and season with salt
- Place potatoes in ovenproof dish and arrange tomatoes on top of the potatoes. Sprinkle with salt.
- Put dish in microwave for four minutes, then move to the oven to finish for 20 minutes. (The microwaving is necessary to cook the potatoes through without turning the tomatoes to mush.) Top of gratin should be nicely browned. Serve hot or at room temperature.