
Milk Chocolate Cupcakes

Now that we’ve all become used to dark chocolate in a multitude of cacao percentages with elaborate flavors cleverly added for extra oomph, look what’s making a comeback – milk chocolate! How we’ve missed you! The smoothness and sweetness that literally melts in your mouth is a happy, long-forgotten childhood memory. I saw this recipe in a Gourmet magazine issue on comfort foods and was immediately drawn to it. With all of us food bloggers bent on creating new and […]


Roasted Chicken Stuffed with Figs and Rice

Who doesn’t love a one-dish dinner? Protein, fruit, veggies, nuts and carbs – this recipe has it all. You don’t need to wait for fresh figs to show up at the grocery to make this – just use dried figs, soak them, and drain and it’s every bit as delicious. This is perfect for a cold weekend when you don’t feel like cooking. Pop this in the oven on Friday night and you can nibble all weekend long. Ihope you […]


Fluffy Omelette

I love a Breakfast Presentation. You know what I mean – you’re sitting stoop-shouldered at the kitchen table, sleepy and cranky and feeling as if you’ve lost the power of speech, and then someone places a fluffy omelette in front of you and everything changes. These omelettes are so beautiful and easy (basically you’re just adding one step in separating the eggs and beating them to peaks before cooking the omelette.) It emerges as a light, soft, soufflé-like creation, topped […]


Treating People Well

Tomorrow’s the big day! Treating People Well will be available for sale in stores and online. My friend and co-author, Jeremy Bernard, and I have been working on this book idea for years and it’s hard to believe it’s finally happening . As former White House social secretaries, we had a lot of experience finding the most effective ways to get along with people from many different cultures and walks of life. Our book details the tricks (and lessons) we […]


Barley Cauliflower Salad

Happiest of New Years! We’re starting ours with a healthy but substantial salad to begin to offset yesterday’s food transgressions. Time to pay the piper, but let’s do it deliciously, with a warm barley and roasted cauliflower salad that feels like a meal. It’s also a great side with chicken or fish, and as cold leftovers – well, there won’t be any but if there were, you’d enjoy them. Wishing you a year of peace, health and good food! Barley […]