Slow Cooked Salmon with Lemon Relish on America's Table

Slow Cooked Salmon with Lemon Relish

When my kids were young, they were deeply suspicious of any meat that wasn’t chicken. It didn’t matter what it tasted or looked like; chicken was fine and anything else wasn’t. So whenever I cooked salmon, I referred to it as “sea chicken,” and they ate it happily for years, until the younger one got into a vocal disagreement with a visiting playdate friend who recognized a salmon when she saw it. I dissembled with a not-very-convincing “potato, potahto” response […]


Acai Fruit Pizza

Crust adapted from the Oh She Glows cookbook. Serves: 6 Prep time: twenty minutes for the cookie crust, 20 minutes to cut and place fruit For the crust: For the acai sauce: For the fresh fruit: I used:

Acai Fruit Pizza

Acai Fruit Pizza

I’m a big fan of the acai berry. It’s a bright, fresh flavor, and when the frozen puree is combined with other fruit it can be one of the best things you’ve ever eaten. (Not to mention that acai is said to be full of antioxidants, minerals and B-complex vitamins.) I wanted to incorporate it into a dinner party dessert, and that’s how this recipe came about, though I think the novelty of a fruit pizza would also appeal to […]