Snow Day Meals and Treats

Snow Day Meals and Treats

YAY! A snow day! That raises two questions if you’ve got kids: what are they going to do all day, and what are you going to feed them, knowing you probably can’t get to a grocery store and will need to cook from the staples in your kitchen? The first question can be the answer to the second: let your kids participate in the cooking as a way to keep them busy while teaching them cooking skills they’ll always be […]

Martha Washington's Cherry Cobbler

Damask Cherry Cobbler

I like to find recipes from former first ladies and post updated versions from time to time, and while there are a few recipes that survive from Martha Washington, there is no recipe for a cherry dessert. If she’d known how the myth of her husband admitting to chopping down a cherry tree to prove his truthfulness and integrity would grow to become a part of American folklore, I’m sure she would have left us her recipe for Tidewater cherry […]

Eternal Hearts on America's Table

Eternal Hearts

This is a last-minute party dessert, for when you want to make a big Valentine’s splash, but there isn’t much time. The ingredients are available at just about any grocery store, and the whole thing took less than an hour. First, I made a big pan of brownies, baking 3 brownie mixes together in one baking sheet. I cut 3 large hearts out of the pan, frosted them lightly with premade chocolate frosting – just enough to make the sparkly […]