
The Broken Compass

My hangover days are well behind me, but I still have sympathy for those who revel into the early hours of the New Year, aided by fortifying servings of distilled spirits. There’s always a price to be paid the next day. This post comes in the nick of time: before tonight you should take heed of the following advice about hangovers. It may help you to enjoy New Year’s Day in a happier state. The title for this post comes […]


Vegetarian Supper

I don’t know about you, but I need some relief from the holiday food extravaganza. It’s the time of year when I feel entitled to indulge – until the over-indulgence starts to make me long for a healthy vegetable entrée to redress the imbalances of the season. One of these recipes comes from Gwyneth Paltrow’s cookbook, It’s All Good. I like this cookbook for its original recipes and healthy approach. (The avocado toast, which is simply a piece of gluten-free […]


The Dreaded Thank You Note

Here’s a great example of a thank you note. It was written by Marilyn Monroe and sent to the German Consul General, who had given her a bottle of champagne. It said:   Dear Mr. von Feuhlsdorff, Thank you for your champagne. It arrived, I drank it, and I was gayer. Thanks again.   My best, Marilyn Monroe   This note is original, amusing, and sincere. Nothing more needed to be said, and I bet Mr. von Feuhlsdorff was thrilled […]


Merry Christmas!

     May all the joys of the season be yours!                            Happy Christmas,                                                             Lea