
Thanksgiving Drama

Family-centric holidays like Thanksgiving can be fraught with tension.  I doubt the original Pilgrims sweated the details the way we do today. Who carves the turkey? Do we need to wait for everyone to have food on their plates before we start eating? Who’s saying grace this year? And then there are the oddball friends and relatives whom we see once or twice a year. They ask invasive questions, take the day to let their passive-aggressive flag fly, or drink […]


Thanksgiving All Over the House

I’m pretty sure the Pilgrims were too busy trying to stay alive to think much about centerpieces. In fact, flowers on a dining table didn’t come into vogue until Victorian times. The empty tabletops had to be filled with something when elaborate platters of food began being offered to guests individually by servants (known as service a la russe), rather than placed on the table for guests to serve themselves. And while centerpieces add a festive air to a table, […]


Pound Cake Sundaes

Pound Cake Sundaes With thanks to the Allman/McMurtry family for this wonderful recipe. Serves: 1 Prep time: 15 minutes, plus one hour and twenty minutes to make the pound cake For the raspberry sauce: To make the raspberry sauce: Grandmother McMurtry’s Pound Cake


Great Flowers for Planters?

Dear Lea, I have two, fairly large rectangular planter boxes on my front porch that are in the shade for most of the day. I also live in Los Angeles, so it stays relatively dry and warm all year. Other than impatiens, do you have any recommendations for vibrantly colored perennials that would thrive under those conditions? I look forward to hearing from you! Warm regards, Nathan   Dear Nathan, Regarding your window boxes, you may want to rethink the […]


Pound Cake Sundaes

There’s nothing like an old family recipe to take an ordinary ice cream sundae and turn it into a REAL dessert. This recipe from Dallas has been in the Allman family for over 100 years. It’s a good west Texas farm recipe from the land of tumbleweeds, cattle, and oil wells. Amy Allman Dean, from whom I got this recipe, worked with me at the White House, and our families have been friends ever since. Amy’s grandmother, Cora Amy McMurtry, […]