
Beef Brisket

My mother-in-law was not known as a great cook.   Whenever she would offer to cook, my father-in-law would leap from his chair and say, “You look tired, Sal.  Let’s go out.”  That ploy seemed to suit everyone most of the time, but even people who claim not to cook usually have at least one dish they can prepare, despite their lack of interest or experience.  For my mother-in-law, it was her beef brisket with potatoes and carrots.  My husband still […]


The Sweet Sloping Skies Of Montana

My husband and I have been whooping it up at a guest ranch in Paradise Valley, Montana for a week every summer for over twenty years. I believe that heaven must look like southwestern Montana in June, when the upland meadows are covered in wild lupines and dog roses, and the lush green mountain trails climb up and up until you can see all the way to Yellowstone.  We’ve had little adventures here over the years: battling cutthroat trout in […]